3DSMAX欧洲中世纪交易市场3D模型 KitBash3D Props Medieval Market
Bring all your fantasies and medieval worlds to life with this kit’s tents, barrels, wagons, arches, weapons, utensils, tables, jugs, crates, baskets, ladders, canvases, cloths, loaves of bread, dead fish and so much more! The larger pieces also have detailed interiors to embolden your merchant camps, witch enclaves, knights’ quarters, trade encampments, goblin lairs and the rest of your fantastical worlds!
Design by Jian Zhi, Modeled by Sebastian Bielecki, Cover by Pablo Dominguez
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3DSMAX欧洲中世纪交易市场3D模型 KitBash3D Props Medieval Market:等您坐沙发呢!